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Great salespeople traits

Tony Bilby

There are many articles regarding the best traits.

I like Harvard Business Reviews assessment (click on picture for HBR article).


I agree. Ego centric salespeople that want to talk about themselves and their accomplishments are a turn off to the customer. Positioning the team, listening, and openness are some of the key ingredients.


Taking your job seriously and taking the mission seriously.


Being goal oriented and fixated on success is definitely key. Consistent success is difficult without writing goals and envisioning success on a regular basis.


An interest in learning, understanding, and improvement is a sign of intelligence and a willingness to succeed.


Lacking of it. Top salespeople aren’t the most social people in the room. They do and achieve results through action rather than talk and display.

Lack of discouragement:

Never giving up. Driving every day with a consistent and positive attitude, knowing that when one door closes another larger one opens.

Lack of self-consciousness:

A good salesperson can normally live up to the challenge, like a speaking role or a public presentation. Given that at some point everyone makes mistakes, a great salesperson minimizes set backs or learns from mistakes during a meeting or presentation and moves on.

Tony Bilby

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