I pay attention to energy and the laws of attraction as it applies to almost any aspect of a person’s life.
Bob Proctor explains it well in this short video:
There is the body and the mind and how you use your mind will dictate the vibration that you are in! Pay close attention to your sub-conscious mind and the paradigm that was created when you were a child. You are truly the product of your environment. And, as we know, those environments could have been very positive, very negative or somewhere in between.
The good thing is that at any given time you can think what you want to think and you can control what you think about it! If you want to change results you must change what you think. An idea is a vibration and a notion of motion. So, be careful. When you think negative you attract negative and when you think positive then you attract the opposite of negative.
Now, I’m like many other people and I don’t like to practice what I preach because it can be uncomfortable and new, but every day for the next month I’m going to practice the power of positive thinking.
Join me!
Tony Bilby